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Job Description
Job ID:
The Gillings School of Global Public Health and the
UNC Carolina Population Center at The University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill invite applications for a research-track position
at the Assistant Professor level in nutrition epidemiology
research with a focus on food purchase and dietary intake behavior
in the United States. The position is supported by long-term food
research program funding from the Carolina Population Center.
The faculty appointment will be in the Department of Nutrition in
the Nutrition Epidemiology Division. A PhD or equivalent terminal
degree is required with a publications record. The position will
conduct policy research related to the evaluation of the ways food
industry and an array of other policies and regulatory changes
affect US food purchasing patterns and dietary intake. The person
will work with a team of economists and nutritionists on
longitudinal and cross-sectional research related to understand
what changes affect caloric intake of the US population. This
scholar will integrate an array of other research with this team’s
research. The person will work for a program led by Barry Popkin,
PhD. At the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health,
diversity, inclusiveness and civility are core values as well as
characteristics of the School. We strongly encourage applications
from diverse individuals, including but not limited to diversity
in such characteristics as race/ethnicity, color, national origin,
age, gender, socioeconomic background, religion, creed, veteran’s
status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation and
disability. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an
Equal Opportunity Employer. To apply, use the electronic
submission website at
Submit the following materials electronically: curriculum vitae,
statement of interest/qualifications, and a list of three
references. Position is open until filled.