Epidemiology Events Calendar (Full Year) |
January 3-6 |
Short Course: Applied Epidemiology and
Public Health Surveillance Training
/ Emory University / Atlanta, GA |
January 3-11 |
Winter Program :
Public Health Exchange
Winter Institute / Boston University / Virtual |
January 4-20 |
Winter Program: Johns Hopkins Winter
Institute /
Hopkins University – Bloomberg School of Health /
Baltimore, MD |
January 9-20 |
Short Course: Selected Topics in
Epidemiology /
Erasmus MC
/ Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
January 9 - February 17 |
Winter Program : EpidM Winter Program 2023
VU Medical
Center - Dept of Epidemiology / Amsterdam & Soesterberg,
The Netherlands |
January 16-20 |
Course : Introduction to Epidemiology
University of Bristol / Virtual |
January 16-21 |
Program : Swiss Epidemiology Winter School
/ Institute of Social & Preventive Medicine
- Bern / Wengen, Switzerland |
17-18 |
Conference : World Congress on Public
Health, Nutrition & Epidemiology
/ Research Leagues /
City, Philippines |
23-27 |
Short Course : Clinical Translation of
Epidemiology / Erasmus MC /
Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
January 30 -
February 3 |
Summer Program : Summer Program 2023
Consortium for Social & Political Research / Melbourne,
Australia |
January TBA |
Short Course : Epidemiology for Clinicians
/ University of Southampton /
Southampton, England |
February 2023 |
February 6-7
Conference : International Conference on Molecular
Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious
Diseases / WASET / New Dehli,
India |
February 6-10 |
Short Course : Using R For Decision
Modeling in Health Technology Assessment
/ Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
February 6-10 |
Short Course : Introduction to Genome-Wide
Association Studies / Erasmus MC
/ Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
February 6-17 |
Public Health Summer School
/ University of Otago / Wellington, New
Zealand |
February 13-17 |
Winter Program : Winter School in Clinical
Epidemiology / UMIT / Tirol,
Austria |
February 19-23 |
Conference : 29th Conference on Retroviruses and
Opportunistic Infections (CROI) /
International Antivirus Society-US / CROI / Seattle, WA |
February 22-28 |
Short Course : Genetic Epidemiology
/ University of Bristol / Virtual |
February 23-24 |
Conference : 2023 Health Datapalooza
/ Academy Health / Arlington, VA |
February 27 - March 1 |
Short Course : Competing Risks and
Multi-State Models / Erasmus MC /
Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
February 27 - March 3 |
Short Course : Environmental Health Risk
(formerly Analyzing Risk) /
Harvard University / Virtual |
February 28 - March 3 |
Conference : Epi Lifestyle Scientific
Sessions - 2023 / American Heart
Association / Boston, MA |
March 2023 |
March 6-10 |
Short Course : Intensive Course in
Applied Epidemiology /
University of Aberdeen / Aberdeen, Scotland |
March 6-10 |
Short Course : An Introduction to the
Analysis of the Next-generation Sequencing Data
/ Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The
Netherlands |
March 12-14 |
Conference : 47th Annual Conference - Am
Society of Preventive Oncology /
ASPO / San Diego, CA |
March 13-17 |
Short Course : Advanced Clinical Trials
/ Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The
Netherlands |
March 14-17 |
Conference : 29th International Symposium
on Epidemiology in Occupational Health – EPICOH 2023
/ International Commission on Occupational
Health / Mumbai, India |
March 16-17 |
Conference: 96th Annual Meeting - American
Epidemiological Society / AES /
Nashville, TN |
March 20-21 |
Conference : 4th World Congress on Public
Health, Epidemiology & Nutrition
/ Allied Academies / Paris, France |
March 20-23 |
Conference: Preventive Medicine 2023
College of Preventive Medicine / New Orleans, LA |
March 20-24 |
Short Course: Implementation Science
/ Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The
Netherlands |
March 20-24 |
Course: Causal Inference for Assessing Effectiveness in
Real World Data and Clinical Trials
/ UMIT / Tirol, Austria |
March 20-24 |
Short Course: Epidemiology In Complex
Emergencies for Effective Surveillance & Response
Foundation / Veyrier-du-Lac, France |
March 22-24 |
Conference: Annual Meeting - Society for
Veterinary Epidemiology
Toulouse, France |
March 27-28 |
Short Course: 11th Annual Workshop to
Increase Diversity in Mathematical Modeling & Public Health
Harvard SPH
& MIDAS Coordination Center / Boston, MA |
March 27-31 |
Course : Psychopharmacology /
Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
March 27-31 |
Course : Advanced Decision Modeling
/ Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
March 28-30 |
Course : Positive Culture Framework Training
/ Montana State University / Charlotte, NC
April 2023 |
April 3-5 |
Short Course: Mendelian Randomisation
/ Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The
Netherlands |
April 3-6 |
Conference: 2023 World Vaccine Congress
/ Multiple / Washington, DC |
April 12-14 |
Conference: SHEA (Society for Healthcare
Epidemiology of America) Spring 2022
/ SHEA / Seattle, WA |
April 12-15 |
Conference: 2022 Annual Conference - Population
Association of America / PAA /
New Orleans, LA |
April 14-16 |
Conference: CUGH 14th Annual Global Health
Conference /
of Universities for Global Health / Washington, DC |
April 14-19 |
Conference: 2023 Annual Meeting American
Assn for Cancer Research / AACR
/ Orlando, FL |
April 19-21 |
Short Course:
Advanced Analysis of Prognosis Studies
Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
April 24-26 |
Short Course: Quality of Life Measurement
/ Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The
Netherlands |
April 24-27 |
Conference: NACCHO Preparedness Summit 2023
/ Multiple / Atlanta, GA |
April 24-27 |
Conference: 71st Annual Epidemic Intelligence Service
Conference / CDC / Atlanta, GA |
April 30 - May 2 |
Conference: Health Effects International 2023 Conference
/ HEI / Boston, MA |
2023 |
May 2-6 |
Conference: 17th World Congress on Public
Health /
Federation of Public Health Associations / Rome, Italy |
May 4-5 |
Conference: 6th International Molecular Pathological
Epidemiology (MPE) Meeting /
Multiple / Buffalo, NY |
May 8-11 |
Conference: 2023 USPHS Scientific &
Training Symposium /
Commissioned Officers Foundation / Tulsa, OK |
May 9-12 |
Conference: INTEREST 2023 /
IeDE (Intl Epi Databases to Evaluate
AIDS / Maputo, Mozambique |
May 10-12 |
Short Course: Epigenetic Epidemiology
/ University of Bristol /
Virtual |
May 15-17 |
Short Course: Cardiovascular Epidemiology
/ Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The
Netherlands |
May 15 - June 1 |
Summer Program: Summer Public Health
Institute / University of
Minnesota / Minneapolis, MN |
May 16-18 |
Conference: 2023 ACHI National Conference
/ Association for Community
Health Improvement / Minneapolis, MN |
May 16-18 |
Conference: National Violent Death Reporting System
Conference / CDC & American
Public Health Association / Milwaukee, WI |
May 18-19 |
Short Course: Advanced Epigenetic
Epidemiology / University of
Bristol / Virtual |
May 18-19 |
Conference: World Conference on Public Health and
Epidemiology / Eurasia
Conferences / Barcelona, Spain |
May 21-24 |
Conference: 44th Annual Meeting
/ Society for Clinical Trials / Baltimore,
MD |
May 21-30 |
Conference: 76th World Health Assembly
/ WHO / Geneva, Switzerland |
May 22-26 |
Course: Missing Values in Clinical Research
/ Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
30 - June 1 |
Short Course: Child Psychiatric Epidemiology
/ Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The
Netherlands |
30 - June 10 |
Short Course: Principles in Causal
Inference / Erasmus MC /
Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
31 - June 3 |
Conference: 2022 Annual Conference
/ Society for Prevention Research /
Seattle, WA |
Conference: Brain Tumor Epidemiology Consortium Conference
/ BTEC / Lexington, KY |
Program: Summer Institutes in Global Health
/ McGill University / Montreal, Quebec,
Canada |
June 2023 |
June 1-30 |
/ Columbia University /
New York, NY |
June 4-7 |
Conference: 2022 Annual Research Meeting
/ Academy
Health / Washington, DC |
June 4-9 |
WATERMICRO 2023 / International Water Association /
Water Research Australia / Northern Territory, Australia |
June 4-17 |
Summer Program: Summer Program on Modern Methods in
Biostatistics & Epi
BioStatEpi / Treviso, Italy |
June 5-9 |
Conference: Kettil Bruun Society 48th
Annual Meeting / KBS /
Johannesburg, South Africa |
June 5-16 |
Summer Program: Epidemiology & Healthcare
Management / School for
International Training / Various locations in Argentina |
June 7-9 |
Conference: Genomic Epidemiology of
Malaria (GEM Virtual Conference)
/ Genomic Epidemiology Network / Virtual |
June 12-13 |
Conference: 36th Annual SPER Meeting
/ Society for Pediatric and Perinatal
Epidemiologic Research / Portland, OR |
June 12-13 |
Workshop: Student Dissertation Workshop
/ Society for Epidemiologic Research /
Portland, OR |
June 12-17 |
Course: Biology of Vector-Borne Diseases
/ Infectious Disease Society of America /
Moscow, ID |
June 12-30 |
Program: 41st Summer Institute of Biostat & Epidemiology
/ Johns Hopkins
University SPH / Virtual |
June 13-16 |
Conference: Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual
Society for Epidemiologic Research / Portland, OR |
June 13 - July 1 |
Program: 34th Residential Summer Course in Epi
/ EEPE / Florence, Italy |
June 15-16 |
Conference: Advancing Policy to Improve Health
/ American Public Health Association /
Washington, DC & Virtual |
June 15-17 |
Short Course: Causal Inference in Epidemiology, Concepts
and Methods
University of Bristol / Virtual |
June 19-21 |
Conference: ISEE North American Chapter 2023 Annual
Meeting /
International Society for Environmental
Epidemiology / Corvallis, OR |
June 19-21 |
Conference: Global Summit on Public Health and Preventive
Medicine (GSPHPM2022) / The
Scientistt / Paris, France |
June 19-23 |
Program: Pharmacoepidemiology Summer School
AARHUS University / Grenaa, Denmark |
June 20-22 |
Conference: Public Health 2023
/ Canadian Public Health Association / Virtual |
June 24-27 |
Conference: 2023 Annual Research Meeting
/ Academy Health / Seattle, WA |
June 25-29 |
Conference: Council of State & Territorial
Epidemiologists 2023 Annual Conference
/ CSTE / Salt Lake City, UT |
June 26-28 |
Conference: Association for Professionals in Infection
Control and Epidemiology (APIC) 2023 Annual Conference
/ APIC / Seattle, WA |
June 26-30 |
Program: Summer Program in Population Health
/ Ohio State University - School of Public
Health / Columbus, OH |
June TBA |
Conference: Topics in Infection 2023
/ London School of Hygiene & Tropical
Health / London, England |
June TBA |
Conference: NAACCR Summer Forum
/ North American Association of Central
Cancer Registries / TBD |
June TBA |
Program: Summer Program in Epidemiology
/ Harvard University SPH / Boston, MA |
June TBA |
Program: UCL Health and Society Summer School
/ University College London / London,
England |
June TBA |
Conference: Annual Symposium on Advances in Genomics,
Epidemiology and Statistics (SAGES)
/ University of Pennsylvania - CCEB /
Philadelphia, PA |
July 2023 |
July 1-8 |
Program: ESCMID Summer School /
ESCMID Summer School / Seville,
Spain |
July 3-14 |
Course: Epidemiological Evaluation of Vaccines: Efficacy,
Safety and Policy / London
School of Health and Tropical Medicine / London, England |
July 10-13 |
Conference: NACCHO 360 Conference
/ NACCHO / Denver, CO |
July 10 - August 4 |
Program: 8th Annual Summer Institute in Statistics for
Clinical & Epidemiological Research (SISCER)
/ University of Washington /
WA |
July 11-22 |
Program: 8th Annual Summer Institute in Statistics for
Big Data (SISBID) / University
of Washington / Virtual |
July 11-26 |
Program: 13th Annual Summer Institute in Statistics and
Modeling in Infectious Diseases (SISMID)
/ University of Washington / Seattle, WA |
July 11-29 |
56th Summer Session in Epidemiology
/ University of Michigan / Ann
Arbor, MI |
July 24-28 |
Conference: Integrative Molecular Epidemiology Workshop
/ American Association for
Cancer Research (AACR) / Boston, MA |
July TBA |
Program: 31st International Summer School of Epidemiology
at Ulm University / Ulm
University / Ulm, Germany |
July TBA |
Program: Summer Institute of Advanced Epidemiology &
Preventive Medicine / Tel Aviv
University / Tel Aviv, Israel |
July TBA |
Program: Annual RAND Summer Institute
/ Rand Corporation / Santa Monica, CA |
August 2023 |
August 3-4 |
Conference: 7th International Conference on Public Health
(ICOPH 2023) / Multiple / Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia & virtual |
August 5-10 |
Conference: JSM 2023 (Joint Statistics Meeting)
/ American Statistical Association /
Toronto, Canada |
August 8-26 |
Program: Erasmus MC Summer Program
/ Erasmus MC / Rotterdam,
The Netherlands |
August 8-12 |
Course: Principles of Research in Medicine and Epidemiology
/ Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
August 8-12 |
Course: Principles of Genetic Epidemiology
/ Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
August 8-12 |
Course: Advances in Clinical Epidemiology / Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
August 8-12 |
Course: History of Epidemiologic Ideas
/ Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
August 15-19 |
Course: Causal Inference
/ Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
August 22-26 |
Course: Social Epidemiology
/ Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
August 22-26 |
Course: Practice of Epidemiologic Analysis
/ Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
August 22-26 |
Course: Data Science in Epidemiology
/ Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
August 23-27 |
Conference: ISPE Annual Conference
/ International Society for
Pharmacoepidemiology / Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada |
September 2023 |
September 12-13 |
Swiss Public Health Conference 2023
University of Bern / Bern, Switzerland |
September 12-15 |
Conference: 11th Southeast Asia and Western Pacific
Bi-regional TEPHINET Scientific Conference
Australia National University / Canberra, Australia |
September 17-20 |
Conference: 35th Annual Conference of the Intl Society of
Environmental Epidemiology /
ISEE / Kaohsiung, Taiwan |
September 20-22 |
Conference: 2023 CityMatch Leadership & MCH Epi
Conference / CityMatch / New
Orleans, LA |
September 24-27 |
Conference: 17th Vaccine Congress
/ Elsevier / Glasgow, Scotland |
September TBA |
Conference : American College of Epidemiology Annual
Conference / ACE / Charlotte, NC |
October 2023 |
October 2-5 |
Conference: 2023 IAPHS Conference
/ Interdisciplinary Association for
Population Health Science / Baltimore, MD |
October 11-15 |
Conference /ID Week
/ Multiple / Boston, MA |
November 2023 |
November 1-5 |
Conference: American Society for Human Genetics 2023
Annual Meeting / ASHG /
Washington, DC |
November 5-7 |
Conference: IGES 2023 /
International Genetic Epidemiological Society / Nashville,
TN |
November 8-9 |
Conference: International Conference on Nutritional
Epidemiology and Health / WASET
/ Dubai, UAE |
November 8-11 |
Conference: 16th World Congress on Public Health
/ European Public Health Association /
Dublin, Ireland |
November 14-17 |
Conference: 16th International Conference on Molecular
Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious
Diseases / Elsevier / Dresden,
Germany |
November 15-20 |
Conference: APHA Annual Conference 2022 - 150th Anniversary
/ American Public Health
Association / Atlanta, GA |
November 28 - December 1 |
Conference: 9th Intl Conference on Infectious Disease
Dynamics / Elsevier / Bologna,
Italy |
November TBA |
Conference: ESCAID Annual Conference
December 2022 |
No events scheduled as of publication time |